Thursday, April 2, 2009

Headcoverings galore!

I found a website of head coverings through another blog. Again, won't name it so as to avoid causing trouble.

They had some really pretty head coverings to order. And some left me a little confused. I wasn't sure how a thin band of fabric, 2 inches wide, could constitute a proper Christian head covering. That seems more like a fashion statement to me. Vanity instead of modesty. Especially when it comes in fashion designer prints!

For me, personally, a modest Christian head covering is something of a plain, single color (white, cream, brown, black, maybe blue, pink, green, etc.). I don't care for prints as I think it draws too much attention to my head and hair. I like plain, simple colors in a mostly neutral tone. Though as my 'wardrobe' of head coverings builds up, I may find I like or even need some in other colors like blues, greens, reds or yellows. For now, I'm only wearing a black scarf.

So, it got me wondering.... what does a head covering mean to you? What does it need to be, consist of or what have you? Does it need to be a plain, single, neutral color? Or do you prefer fun, sassy prints? Do you cover your entire hair? Wear a thin headband style? A kerchief style? Traditional Amish-style kapp? I look forward to possibly getting some opinions on this one.

God bless!


  1. To me it doesn't need to be plain or just one color. Most of mine match my clothes. I do cover all of my hair though. Not just the back or not just part of it, all of it.

  2. mine is the same as this one:
