Sunday, October 11, 2009

The continuation of trials and tribulations

I got an email a few days ago that I did not get the job.  I need the job as my mother and I are in a tigh money situation and I made some mistakes upon getting my first job, including maxing out a credit card.  I am in some deep debt and wanting to get married in the next couple of years, I don't feel right bringing that debt into my marriage if I can avoid it.  When I do get married, I hope to be a housewife more than anything but I am in college.  I want to have a back-up plan because you never know what can happen.

I am still praying for a job.  I want to crawl out from under the debt and help my mom with our living situation.  I need to help her since it is just us two.

Please keep me in your prayers.
Please keep me in your prayers because I am dealing with some other stuff, stuff I won't mention really, but it is difficult and is making it harder for me to keep things in perspective.

Peace and love.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I am praying very hard that God provides me with a job very soon. Since my mom and I moved out on our own again, money has been incredibly tight. Small money blessings have come in, like a refund check from my car insurance for a fault on their part. So, I will be able to get some groceries with that. But otherwise, I really need a job and soon!

I just applied for a job that would be perfect for me. Right pay, right hours, right conditions. But I had to do a voice audition on the phone and I'm pretty sure I failed it horribly. It gave you 30 seconds to answer each question and I'm pretty sure it cut me off a full 15 seconds too early on the 2nd question and then I was flustered and didn't even register the last question and whimpered pitifully into the recording. I'm hoping my other answers and the rest of the application were enough they might at least give me an interview. The problem for me has always been getting the interview. The last 3 jobs I had, I was always offered the job on the spot at the end of the interview. I feel confident that interview means a good chance of getting the job.

If anyone reads this blog, please pray for me!

Peace and love,