Monday, September 21, 2009


Wow, it has been a long time! I wonder if anyone still reads this thing...?

Anywho, a lot has happened since I last posted. The biggest thing being that my mom and her new husband have decided they are not as compatible as originally thought- they are in the process of a divorce. A lesson learned on why courting/engagement should last a little longer than three months, I think. It might not have been so bad if they had known each other before they got engaged but it was literally four months from meeting each other to the wedding day. That's not a lot of time!

So, my mother and I have found a nice apartment. The ceilings are high, we each have our own bathroom and the neighborhood is small. I love this place. I especially love that there is a higher population of elderly- they are so sweet and always wave at anybody who passes by. Even the kids here are quiet, well-mannered and peaceful. It's great.

I have not been able to acquire anymore skirts yet- I still haven't found a job either. I am working on it but it just feels like that blessing may never come. I am in school now though, furthering my education and learning the art of hospitality and business. I would love one day to be able to open my own restaurant! That's what I am studying to do.

I have material stashed away that I intend to make a skirt out of soon. Just an incredibly simple skirt to match my large wardrobe of earthy, brown shirts.

Another big thing that may happen in the future is that my mother and I may end up moving back east. We hail from Ohio and all my family are there. I miss them so much! We may rest in Pennsylvania, Pittburgh to be exact. It is close to the family but far enough away. Plus, that area of the country is slightly more accustomed to an Amish population. I love the Amish and being around them- so peaceful and tranquil. Sometimes I consider joining them but not sure if I ever really could. We'd move to Pennsylvania because my mom has exhausted all the hospitals in Columbus- some she would never work at again but I think she would just like a different environment to explore rather than go back to the same old, same old.

Well, that's about it for now, really.
I will try to update this more often!
In the meantime, I am praying that the Lord will provide me with the right employment opportunity; He has really come through for us lately in terms of helping us secure a place to live and be able to afford it and get by comfortably rather than struggling. I can only pray He will help me with finding a job soon too.

God Bless!

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